The following disclosures are made in accordance with Google’s Advertising Policies.
We are consultants. We are not Lenders. We are not consumer lead generators, aggregators… we do not sell consumer data. We service Lenders throughout the world. We advise and consult with existing lenders, entrepreneurs, family offices, de novo lenders and existing lenders as to how to start, improve and/or operate a consumer loan business in accordance with the laws of their state or their federally recognized Native American Indian tribe.
Although Google has chosen to ignore the fact that this “36% APR Theme” originated in 1915, and that a $300 loan principal issued in 1915 equates to a $7,000 loan in today’s dollars, we cannot ignore the fact that 36% APR loans do not meet Google’s advertising policies.
Bottom line, by employing today’s technology and automation, Lenders can earn respectable ROI’s on their money, take market share from their competitors who “throw in the towel,” and continue to serve the nearly 50% of USA households who cannot access $400 cash when facing a financial emergency!
However, the ability of lenders to meet the 36.00%. APR threshold will vary based on state laws and regulations regarding allowable interest rates, fees, and lengths of loan terms. Consumer credit history at the time of application, income, debt obligations, collateral, and to the extent applicable, prior loan experience with a consumer’s Lender are considered in determining eligibility and contract terms. There is no down payment and there is never a prepayment penalty. For example, using a 42 month installment contract, a loan of $4,500 with an interest rate of 29.00% and an APR of 33.10% (inclusive of allowable fees), you would make 42 monthly payments of $172.
TX Only: For example, with an amount financed of $4,500.00, at an APR of 30.26%, and a finance charge of $2848.00 you would make 42 monthly payments of $174.96, for a total of payments of $7348.00. The amount financed may not be the net proceeds paid to you if charges other than interest are included in the loan.
*All loans are subject to credit approval and normal underwriting standards. Minimum and maximum loan amounts, rates, fees, terms and collateral requirements are subject to specific guidelines and may change without notice. All loans are made under XXXXX NAME OF LENDER [WE ARE NOT LENDERS!] Available cash amounts may vary and collateral requirements apply. In California loans are made or arranged pursuant to a California Financer Lenders Law license.
It’s not uncommon for me to review a product or service on my blog If I believe it’s a good product or service and the merchant selling said product or service has an affiliate program, I have no issue referring you to a *good* product/service with an affiliate link. This means I might be paid a commission if you buy the product or subscribe to the service I recommend.
Why you need to know this?
The FCC feels I need to explain this in detail because otherwise, they think you might not be bright enough to understand the difference between a real review and a bullshit review on your own. They think I might be willing to sell my reputation for an affiliate commission. They’re wrong. But I have to tell you anyway to cover my ass.
The name of my game is to deliver GREAT content to you AND to make money! If this offends you, please leave my Blog and go back to “Googling” your way to fame and fortune.