About Us

A little about our consumer loan business team.

Consumer Lending Business: Our Story

The team at AutomobilePawn.com actually began lending money on car titles and payday loans in 1997 in Garden Grove, California. One of our three partners had a pawn shop. We began offering payday loans and car title loans. Today, we are still focused on both of these extremely profitable niches.

For the past four years we have also offered consulting for entrepreneurs in Car Title Loans, Payday Loans, and Check Cashing. Visit our Blog for our latest insight, strategies and crusades.

Consumer Loan Business Help and Support

If you have questions about car title loans, payday loans, installment lending, compliance, licensing… any of these businesses, shoot us an email or simply call us at 702-208-6736. We are happy to discuss these businesses with you. Talking to both experienced and newbies is a tremendous learning opportunity for us! Let Trihouse Enterprises Inc. help you. Our team has more than 20 years of experience with auto title loans, Payday Loans and check cashing. Order our “The Business of Lending Money to the Masses” Course today, read it, then pick up the phone and call us for counsel.

Need more info? Have a question? Want to start or improve a consumer loan business?

Available immediately in Adobe Acrobat [PDF] delivered to your Inbox.

Don’t struggle. Earn big profits in the car title loan industry. Let us jump-start your efforts. Learn from us! Let us train you.

  • Immediate download in Adobe Acrobat: $150.00
How to Start a Loan Business

Invest in a copy of our Course. We thoroughly teach how to start a car title loan business both online and via storefront models. [We cover payday loans and installment loans also.]

